Blog Posts

Ductus Exemplo
Think about your favorite coaches or anyone you consider to be a leader for a moment. What qualities, good or bad do/did they have? Now I want you to think about how you mentor, coach players, clients, or lead a team. Which of your leadership qualities line up with those your favorite coaches or mentors used?

Who Says an Old Dog Can’t Learn New Tricks?
Starting a sport as an adult can seem quite daunting if you’ve never tried it before. I was overwhelmed when I was first considering Olympic weightlifting at 25 years old. Little did I know that I would absolutely fall in love with the sport.

The Secret to Learning: Better Nutrition
Have you ever gone to class hungry? If you have, you know that the only thing your mind cares about is what you are going to get in your bowl from Chipotle after class and not whatever the professor is lecturing about for that hour. You shouldn’t be focusing on how loud your stomach is growling while your teacher is telling you about the importance of Supply and Demand in your Econ 100 course.

The Uncertainty of Being a Student-Athlete in 2020
With the recent decisions across collegiate athletics to either postpone seasons to the spring, cancel NCAA championships across DII and DIII, or cancel fall sports all together has left a lot of uncertainty in the world of college sports going forward

5 Mindful Practices to Instantly Up Your Game
Every athlete wishes there is some secret ingredient you could mix into your protein shake to instantly up your level of play. Unfortunately, there isn’t. Gritting and grinding through practice day in and day out is exhausting. It becomes even more tiresome when you add balancing academics and a social life into the mix.

5 Tips for Self-Care
Try some of these tips and watch as your stress levels decline and your happiness spikes!

Prevent Burnout with 1 Tip
After months of uncertainty around sport seasons, it has probably been hard to find the motivation to train for your sport. You might be feeling down, anxious, irritable, or just not feeling like yourself anymore. It’s natural to feel these things during this time and you’re probably not alone in feeling them.

Mental Skills Training: What it is and why should you do it?
I’m sure you have heard a coach or athlete say that sports are 50% physical and 50% mental, or some other percentage, but what have you done to train the mental side?