
  • Individual Counseling

    Whether you are dealing with anxiety, struggling with the stress of life, school, sports, work, or just need someone to talk to, Empower is here to help. Individual Counseling sessions are offered to assist you in improving your mental wellbeing.

  • Family Counseling

    Sports can put a lot of pressure on family dynamics and impact our relationships more than we realize. We offer Family Counseling sessions to help navigate the stress and expectations that come with sports and maintain healthy relationships between family members.

  • Group Counseling

    Periodically, Empower will run support groups for various needs and populations. These include injury rehabilitation support, general life stress support, career transition, and grief groups. Be on the lookout for more information when these groups open for new clients!

“Everyone is going through something that we can’t see… Mental health is an invisible thing, but it touches all of us at some point or another. It’s part of life.”

— Kevin Love, Cleveland Cavaliers